+94 117 007 635   +94 759 945 026


Govisetha &; Natures’ Compost produced with scientifically proven technology, It gives N:P:K, Ca, Mg and other micro nutrients and your crops gives higher yield.

Maintaining below SLS standard range for the product.

Characteristics Acceptable Range Maintaining
1.) pH (1:1) 6.5 - 8.5
2.) EC (1:1.5 v/v , ds/m 30 'C)   0.5 - 3.0
3.) Moisture % (w.w.b.) 20 - 30
4.) Organic Carbon % (d.w.b) 20 - 35
5.) Nitrogen % (d.w.b) 0.5 - 3.0
6.) Phosphorus % (P2O5 , d.w.b) 0.5 - 4.0
7.) Potassium (K2O , d.w.b) 0.5 - 3.0
8.) C/N Ration 20 - 30
9.) Sand 0/0 <10

Guaranteed to increase your crop yield for long period by developing a healthy soil by supplying micro nutrients and improved physical and chemical conditions in the soil structure.

• Gives healthier environment for the root system of the plant by
    enhancing physical structure of the soil.
• Healthier root structure gives healthier plant.
• Stabilizes soil pH to absorb more nutrients.
• Increases the resistance to plant deceases.
• Increases the soil air volume.
• Gives micro nutrients and plant hormones.
• Upgrades the nutrition value of the crop.
• Stops draining off nutrients from the soil.
• Creates good environment for aerobic microorganisms.
• Minimizes root deceases.
• Increases cation exchange capacity of soil.